Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Mostly Useb Web Graphic Formats

Web Graphic Formats
Web Graphic Formats is a digital representation of non text information (Photo) used in websites and make it more interactive.It increases the interaction of text file.The web contains unlimited Images on variety of subjects.You can download it for free and use them for your purpose.You can insert photos on cards and other documents.Following are Graphic Formats that uses web:
              • JPEG
              • GIF
              • PNG
              • BMP
              • TIFF

JPEG stand for Joint Photographic Experts Group.It compress graphics to reduce their size.It has smaller size so that it is easily downloaded and mostly used on the web.
GIF stand for Graphic Interchange Format.GIF also uses compression techniques and reduce it size.It is used for logos, shapes and images with few colors.
PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics.Improvement of GIF format and replace it.Uses in Web Graphics.
BMP stands of Bitmap.It has larger file size images.This format is less used on web like JPEG, PNG and GIF.Use of BMP is to make Desktop and Scanned Images.
TIFF stands for Tagged Image File Format.This is also make larger size images like BMP.This format is less used on web like JPEG, PNG and GIF.

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